Over the course of years a few people with good intentions have given me books to read concerning poverty. How to help those stricken in poverty. What works, what doesn't work etc….and as I sit at my desk today, thinking about these books that I have yet to read, The thought came to me….wait, I am poverty. I was born into poverty, I was raised in poverty, and it was only through the Word of God have I overcome poverty. You see, it’s not poverty of economic status or material possession, but poverty of one’s soul. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God who created us looks at our heart (Jeremiah 17:9 the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked) ....Jesus tells us in Matthew 26:11, the poor you have with you always. No matter what agencies or programs we have in place, we will always have the poor among us, and we are commanded by the Word of God to take care of them; Jesus said, I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty, you gave me a drink, naked, you clothed me, sick, you came to me, in prison and you visited me.....but the poverty of ones soul must be "Born Again", and then one will be transformed from darkness to light, from the power of satan unto God. We as Christians consume ourselves with trying to clean up the outside of the cup, and yet inwardly, lies the poverty of our souls, (original sin) rooted in extortion, self indulgence, greed, wickedness, and lust. We must preach the everlasting Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the Wisdom of God, and the Power of God. From Genesis to Revelation, it's the Word of God that is able to make one wise unto salvation, His Word changes the poverty of ones soul, and the evidence is seen through a life of obedience that is transformed by the renewing of ones mind through the knowledge of God‘s WRITTEN Word…and that my friends, is found written within the pages of 66 books, called “The Bible”
If only we would seek God through His Word. Know Him through His Word, Trust in His Word, and obey His Word, open our mouths that He will fill us with His Words, that our speech and preaching are not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of Power…1 Corinthians 2:4
Forever O Lord Thy Word is Settled in Heaven. Thy Word is absolute Authority, and Thy Word is Absolute Truth, May Your Word be hidden in our hearts, that we Your people created in Your image, created for Your glory, might not sin against You.